Private on SHOUTcast doesn’t mean nobody can tune in. Private means the server is not listed on If you wish to change that:
- First of all we need to go to the admin interface of SHOUTcast itself. To do this go to Centova Cast and in the side bar you can find “Admin”. You’ll be prompted for the username and password. The username is
and the password is the account of your Centova Cast account. - You might see a notice that you need to register your station, if not you can click “Authhash” in the top bar.
- stopped offering pre-2.6 authhashes on their website to push the use of their new paid version. You can still get the old Authhashes via our tool
- When you filled in all required details and saved the station you will get a screen with your Authhash. Copy this hash and go back to the DNAS admin and enter this code.
Keep in mind, the AutoDJ or a live DJ can still tell the server not to be listed. This can be overwritten in the settings.